Saturday, January 13, 2007

Good or Great

It was one of those times I had to go where I didn't want to be, to listen to what I didn't want to hear for much longer than I felt I had the time to spare. But, when the job said I had to go, I reluctantly spent my four days at the seminar. I normally don't mind going to work shops and seminars, but at this particular time I just felt it was a waste of my time and their money. I had many other things I needed to be doing at work. But, I digress from the point.

I took along some books to study as I "listened" to the speakers, feeling sure it was going to be boring after attending these for many years. Occasionally they do have a very dynamic speaker that is totally mesmerizing and holds the audience for the allotted time, but not often. I can't really say she was that incredible at the time. She had her own unique opening with little "props and stories", but then most of them do. She had a very vivacious speaking voice and body language, but even that didn't command my undivided attention. I picked up bits and pieces of what she said and retained the major points of her speech. But, then she came to the end. It was a few sentences that shall stay with me forever. I have committed them to my own life. And I share with you what she shared with us:
"The greatest enemy in this world of great is good. Which do you want?"

I brought that home with no particular plan to use it or dwell on the statement. However, in the days to come it just kept coming back in my mind. I would hear someone in a daily conversation use on of those words and it came back to me. "Good or Great?"

Then it came to me one night as I sat reading my daily Bible readings. "God is good.....Great is thy faithfulness....."

I cannot remember a time I was not in church; a time when I did not know about God and Jesus. But, I have always been satisfied with what I had and what I have....GOOD! My childhood ambitions were to have a "good " education; a "good" job; a "good " marriage; a " good" home, etc...And I did all that. If you're honest that is everyone's dream....."GOOD"!

I was saved in a tent revival in my home town. An old time "hell fire and brimstone" evangelist. He was "good". People got saved every night for three weeks. We all got baptized and lived good lives for the most part. I grew up with " Jesus loves me this I know...". Later in my life it became....."Just as I am, without one plea..." Then it was.."Lead me guide, Oh Lord I pray"...

"Good or Great?" This short sentence has been my constant companion for weeks now. I finally get it....I have had all the "good " I need. I have limited my life, job, work, family and myself to " good". I have limited my God to "good".

We had choir practice last night and ( you guessed it) we sang "God is so good.." No, no....My God Is So Great!!! I refuse to limit him to good...I want to allow Him to be Great in my life...bless me greatly; love me greatly.

"Oh, Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder Consider all the works Thy hand has made....How great Thou art......HOW GREAT THOU ART!!!"

I have turned loose of good. I am moving into great in all aspects of my life. I am starting with "How Great God is".. Let Him bless me and remove good and replace it with Great. I know it won't happen over night. I have been a long time slave to good. Bad habits come easily and go slowly. But, I can wait on Great.......After all.....great is going to be the new way of life..up here.. on

Blessing Hill,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very good post, Ruth. I suppose I have never thought of life as being "good or great". And you are so correct in that we are most always happy with good , never thinking about great.
God is Great....and so good to us.
I shall follow your lead and let Him be GREAT to me....
Many Thanks

5:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What an inspirational thought. I have always been satisfied with good, but I shall "team' with you....I'm going for GREAT!!

4:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People should read this.

10:44 PM  

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