Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Here at Blessings Hill we often wonder what people are thinking or if they are thinking. I read today all about the President's speech last night and I didn't have to listen to one word. That's the great thing about the media. You can have as many versions of a political scenario as you want. Some of the commentators rub me the wrong way, so I make it a point to not listen to them.

I quite often feel sorry for Pres. Bush. Seems when things are going good he is the national hero, but when the tide turns so do the people and always on him. Personal opinion is he is the chosen leader and we need to stand behind our leader. When a country begins to grumble and mumble about their leader they become weak and vulnerable. Just ask the Israelites. Long time in the wilderness. I am sure Moses wished they would have been more supportive of him and his trials.

Speaking of crossing over the borders; I have no great gripe with the immigrants, but I think there is a difference between immigrants and illegal workers. Just what Mr. Webster said anyway. We have become such a "gimme" country we are moralistic unstable; economically challenged; religiously loose and a spoiled country. If we had to go back to twenty or thirty years ago some people would just fall off the ship.

Well, I suppose that's kinda the way we see it here at the hill. We feel really blessed to have a job; bring home a check; worship in the church of our choice; visit our neighbors and pray when we want. How about you?

See you next time here at Blessings Hill


Blogger Kent Brandenburg said...

The Lord is good, isn't He.

3:02 PM  
Blogger Ruth said...

Indeed He is and all the time to those who serve Him ,He just gets better daily. Most of the time far better than we deserve.


3:24 PM  

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