Friday, June 16, 2006

Weep My Child

It started as most days do here on the Hill; quite, slightly overcast, and an occasional stray bird floated across the sky as if in total silence, only broken by brief sounds of far away thunder and small flashes of lightening. If you were one of the passing tourists you'd not notice the somberness of the people. Some stood around by the general store, others by the local coffee shop. Some ventured in for a cup of coffee. Probably didn't need the coffee just looking for someone the chat a bit with; share their feeling.

Toward noon the people drifted on home to gather in a while at the big church. It was pretty evident that most would much rather be coming for a good old fashion sing-a-long; a "hell fire" sermon, any reason except why they really were there together. Time began to drift toward the appointed hour and the church began to fill with people but the quietness of hearts that were redundant with love and sorrow. Quite handshakes; hugs mixed with tears; condolences one to the other. Soft spoken words of memories of a much loved man that resonated love and Godliness.

Then the organ began to softly play songs that brought those memories racing back thru the heart and mind. I am sure some people could hear his big booming voice singing those songs and then exclaiming.."Isn't God good?" Then the preacher rose and approached the speaker. A deafening hush filled the air. How do you say how much he was loved? The great things he had given to us all? The multiple deeds he had done for his fellow man? Why did he do these things so freely? If you asked him, his answer was always the same....."The Lord said 'Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself'.....and I sure do love me!"

When the last song was sang, the last prayer was spoken, the last hand was shaken, the tears were wiped away; the stories began to die down; the people began to stroll away with their own private grieving...then it was time to make that final ride that resting place on earth that was prepared by human hands. It was as if the sky stood still; the birds rested in the quite trees; the little children settled briefly; the wind ceased to bustle the limbs...and the final words spoken; at least on this day.

People will continue to talk for many years about great kindness, music , laughter and all the stories they can remember. The snoring when he occasionally fell asleep during an extra long sermon. Doesn't make any great difference now. Memories are made to be repeated to those who otherwise would never know. Flowers will be planted in kind remembrance.

F.B. Meyer wrote: "The Ephesian converts wept upon the neck of the Apostle whose face they were never to see again. Christ stands by each mourner, saying, 'Weep my child; weep, for I have wept'"

Well, that's the way it was today here...all of us send you..

Blessings from the Hill


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How beautiful, Ruth. I feel as though I may have been there. I am sure I never knew him, but now I feel as if you have shared a small part of a great man.
Thanks for that.

God Bless,

7:16 AM  
Blogger Kevin Beck said...

Beautiful. Thank you.

7:19 AM  
Blogger Ruth said...

Greater love hath no man? Seems to be a fitting tribute to love. I espically like the part about "I sure do love me"! We should all have that attitude. After reading your tribute I am almost envious of never knowing this giant of a man. May God give eaach of you the peace of His love.


7:19 AM  
Blogger Ruth said...

Thank you ILA, Kevin, and SS. It comes so natural to write about him and so unnatural to not see him at his job today. But, I suspect he's singing those tunes to his family up there.
Come visit anytime...

Here on Blessings Hill,

10:47 AM  

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