Monday, June 19, 2006

The New Bishop

People are an amazing breed to say the very least. I suppose in all my years of working with them I should not be surprised by anything they do. But I always am and today I must say I am somewhat ashamed of some of them. I have been keeping up with the "Episcopal Convention" highlights simply out of curiosity and I admit that. Curious to see what the stand would be on the homosexual bishop issue.

When I read today that they had elected ( and I might say by a slim margin)a female to be the new US Episcopal Church Bishop I was totally speechless. Didn't we just hear last month and over again that the Church of England refused to recognize a female in the pulpit? Did I miss something? Even more appalling was to get on the web and read what the new ( in November) Bishop had to say about homosexuals. And I quote.."I believe God creates each of us with different gifts. ...Some people come into this world with affections directed at people of the same gender." She goes on to explain how the bible does not apply to some things today...and the great message is how to treat other people...the "great message from Jesus"...What?? Who said that? Jesus? Oh No.. Homosexual are not born they choose that lifestyle. PERIOD!

Excuse me your, Bishopness while I look back at my bible for something to base that on. Let's look at ICorinthians 6:9; and you do that in any translation you like and it all says the same..."Know you not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind...: Mr. Webster defines effeminate as: "lacking in manly qualities: womanish" The New King James Version puts in very plainly ...nor adulterers; nor homosexuals; nor sodomites..." Two different translations from the Greek words:"malakos and arsenokoites". I think that is pretty plain to any of us.

consider the two words respectively in the following versions:
KJV: effeminate: abusers of themselves with mankind
NKJV: homosexuals--sodomites
MKJV: abusers--homosexuals
LITV: abusers-homosexuals
NIV: male prostitutes--homosexual offenders
NASB: effeminate--homosexuals
NRSV: male prostitutes--sodomites

Where is question about this? The other interesting thing to me is she has no vote in the say about gay bishops or priests; however, as the new head of the church in this United States it would be plain to anyone her stand on the issue. Have we any doubt that will be a big influence on the final tally for or against? As a member of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas if you are not to abide by that ruling you may be asked to vacate your church building. Where is the biblical sense of this?
Be not deceived that this issue is addressed in multiple places of the bible: Genesis 19:5; Leviticus 18:22-23; 20:13; Deuteronomy 23:17; Judges 19:22-24; ISamuel 18:1-4; ITimothy 1:10; Revelation 17:5.

We are talking about scripture that is AFTER the "blood atonement" lest any of us become confused. The price for all those sins was and is bought and paid for. But, still not to be excused. You cannot moralize immorality.

Not being a bible scholar, I am sure I am missing a great number of things. This is a bit out of my field, but still not something I am willing to overlook and be quite about.

How about you, Pastor B; and Jeff V.? Some of you well versed gentlemen lend a hand. We just don't abide that here. We are definitely a close knot family here.....up on..

Blessings Hill,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great post, Ruth. I read her acceptance speech last night. I also read on MSNBC that some Episcopals are saying she was actually "misquoted". However, I did see her on the NBC news and from her mouth I heard what she said. My thoughts turn to the Christ on the cross..."Father forgive them for they know not what they do?"...or do they?
God help this nation.


6:02 AM  
Blogger Ruth said...

Ruth, you are a lady after my own heart. I also read all that stuff and am definately appaled by all this. I just tonight read Pastor B's Post on children, church etc. This is just one example of how we are going so wrong. Children learn best by example. So, what are we saying? Sorry, honey she was not misquoted. At least we three ladies agree.
Thanks Ruth,

5:59 PM  

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