Saturday, January 13, 2007

Good or Great

It was one of those times I had to go where I didn't want to be, to listen to what I didn't want to hear for much longer than I felt I had the time to spare. But, when the job said I had to go, I reluctantly spent my four days at the seminar. I normally don't mind going to work shops and seminars, but at this particular time I just felt it was a waste of my time and their money. I had many other things I needed to be doing at work. But, I digress from the point.

I took along some books to study as I "listened" to the speakers, feeling sure it was going to be boring after attending these for many years. Occasionally they do have a very dynamic speaker that is totally mesmerizing and holds the audience for the allotted time, but not often. I can't really say she was that incredible at the time. She had her own unique opening with little "props and stories", but then most of them do. She had a very vivacious speaking voice and body language, but even that didn't command my undivided attention. I picked up bits and pieces of what she said and retained the major points of her speech. But, then she came to the end. It was a few sentences that shall stay with me forever. I have committed them to my own life. And I share with you what she shared with us:
"The greatest enemy in this world of great is good. Which do you want?"

I brought that home with no particular plan to use it or dwell on the statement. However, in the days to come it just kept coming back in my mind. I would hear someone in a daily conversation use on of those words and it came back to me. "Good or Great?"

Then it came to me one night as I sat reading my daily Bible readings. "God is good.....Great is thy faithfulness....."

I cannot remember a time I was not in church; a time when I did not know about God and Jesus. But, I have always been satisfied with what I had and what I have....GOOD! My childhood ambitions were to have a "good " education; a "good" job; a "good " marriage; a " good" home, etc...And I did all that. If you're honest that is everyone's dream....."GOOD"!

I was saved in a tent revival in my home town. An old time "hell fire and brimstone" evangelist. He was "good". People got saved every night for three weeks. We all got baptized and lived good lives for the most part. I grew up with " Jesus loves me this I know...". Later in my life it became....."Just as I am, without one plea..." Then it was.."Lead me guide, Oh Lord I pray"...

"Good or Great?" This short sentence has been my constant companion for weeks now. I finally get it....I have had all the "good " I need. I have limited my life, job, work, family and myself to " good". I have limited my God to "good".

We had choir practice last night and ( you guessed it) we sang "God is so good.." No, no....My God Is So Great!!! I refuse to limit him to good...I want to allow Him to be Great in my life...bless me greatly; love me greatly.

"Oh, Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder Consider all the works Thy hand has made....How great Thou art......HOW GREAT THOU ART!!!"

I have turned loose of good. I am moving into great in all aspects of my life. I am starting with "How Great God is".. Let Him bless me and remove good and replace it with Great. I know it won't happen over night. I have been a long time slave to good. Bad habits come easily and go slowly. But, I can wait on Great.......After all.....great is going to be the new way of life..up here.. on

Blessing Hill,

Monday, September 04, 2006

Greetings from the Hill everyone.

It's been a while since I've posted, but time seems to do that. My mind still wanders round a lot and thinks of many things. Like just this past week I went into a medical waiting room. It was about a packed house there, but then it always is. You can meet some pretty interesting people there. Some nice folks and then some you wonder about even after you get on the road home and again after you lay down at night. That was the case this time. I've been around a long time so not many things surprise me or shock me. There were two ladies chattering away under their breath about a young lady with her daughter, about ten years old, in a special made wheel chair. The child obviously had a serious congenital disease that had left her pretty much helpless. Mom was attentive as could be, even with another one running around the waiting room. Since I didn't have much choice it fell my lot to sit by the other women.

It wasn't long before I wished I was sitting somewhere else. They were boldly saying to each other what a real pity the child was; she would be much better off in a "home"; the family would not be so oppressed with her care, and, well you get the picture. I was thinking she probably was in a home, her own with her family. They most likely cherished giving her care and love. I was relieved when we parted and the young lady took the daughter in to the doctor.

Later that night as I picked up my bible to read, I was rather distraught thinking about the entire scene that day. I closed my bible and just meditated for a moment asking for some insight and wisdom to get me thro that scene. When I opened my bible again it was open to the second chapter of Mark. I picked it up and began to read:

Mark 2
1And again He entered Capernaum after some days, and it was heard that He was in the house. 2£Immediately many gathered together, so that there was no longer room to receive them, not even near the door. And He preached the word to them. 3Then they came to Him, bringing a paralytic who was carried by four men. 4And when they could not come near Him because of the crowd, they uncovered the roof where He was. So when they had broken through, they let down the bed on which the paralytic was lying.
5When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven you.”

Then I began to read in earnest. Four men carried their crippled friend many?? I have no idea, but it doesn't really make any difference to me. They couldn't even get close to Jesus for the crowd inside the house and around the outside. They tried to "push thur the crowd". Most likely a crowd that would not give an inch for anyone, even on a litter. Maybe they were curious or even had many needs of their own. Regardless, no one was giving up their place in the line. They wanted to see and hear Jesus. The paralytictic man's friends not to give up or be outdone did a most preposterous thing! They made their way up onto the roof and proceeded to cut a hole in some one else's roof! Can you even imagine that? You are in a crowd, on top of a house where Jesus the Christ is and you go one step farther and cut a hole in the roof? You tear away the tiles to make a hole large enough for your fiend and his litter to go through. They could have been arrested; shot; thrown in jail; any number of things could have happened. Yet, they loved their paralytic friend enough to take the risk; not be stopped by anything to give him that chance to be made whole! AMAZING! They never questioned their inability or conceivability of him not being healed. What love; what faith; they were invincible and gutsy! Jesus Himself could have chastised them for interruptinging Him as he was teaching. When they lowered him down at the feet of the Master...Jesus saw not a crippled man but a man whose soul was lost and in need of salvation.
His friends took the "Great Commission" very seriously. They acted upon it believed in it and Jesus rewarded they all.
My friend I tell you from the heart of my soul......that is love!! I prayed not for the crippled girl but for the souls of those who ridiculed her. For myself for those things that went through my mind. I thanked God for opening my eyes..

I have some other thoughts about this story and we'll share them next time .So you'll come on back... up here to...

Blessing from the Hill

Thursday, July 20, 2006

The Word

Agape...not a word that just rolls off the tongue or sounds melodious to the ear. Don't hear it in everyday conversation. Usually only heard in religious conversations and used sparingly, I dare say.
Words have always held a certain fascination for me, not that I have ever been good with them, just fascinated by them. Always makes me wish I had pursued more education or maybe even become multi-lingual (if that is a word). However, agape is one of those words that always catches my ear when I hear it used. I am wondering how the person is using such a wonderful word.
It's not found in the old dictionaries; in some bible commentaries or even in the bible. But, it is a word associated with religion. Maybe even more so with Jesus the Christ. Searching some forty seven versions of the bible, seven commentaries, and innumerable books, agape is mentioned only fourteen times. But, then it is a Greek word that was used in the original writing of the Bible. But, it's not even in the King James Bible. I think that is rather strange for such an important word. If I had written any of those things I would have flowered the pages with that wonderful adjective. Truth is "agape" is reserved for the greatest love of all times; the love Jesus had for us that He would die for my salvation. What an overwhelming thought!
AGAPE....Great love; unbounded love; unending love.
In John 13:34 Jesus told his disciples that their "freshly washed feet" would be a witness to His words. "Love one another as I have loved you."

Oswald Sanders wrote "It is noteworthy that only once did Jesus say that he was leaving his disciples an example, and that was when He washed their feet". Agape love.

Mahatman Gandhi once said "If Christians lived according to their faith, there would be no more Hindus left in India". Agape love.

Dwight L. Moody said "Of one hundred people one will read the bible and ninety nine will read the Christian". Agape love.

The Apostle Paul writes some nine times in the New Testament something to the effect of "Follow me as I follow Christ". Agape love.
Fascinating word used so sparingly by so few to refer to only one...Jesus.
Some call Him Savior, the Redeemer of all Men....We call Him Jesus cause He's our dearest Friend.. up here on...

Blessings Hill,

Monday, June 19, 2006

The New Bishop

People are an amazing breed to say the very least. I suppose in all my years of working with them I should not be surprised by anything they do. But I always am and today I must say I am somewhat ashamed of some of them. I have been keeping up with the "Episcopal Convention" highlights simply out of curiosity and I admit that. Curious to see what the stand would be on the homosexual bishop issue.

When I read today that they had elected ( and I might say by a slim margin)a female to be the new US Episcopal Church Bishop I was totally speechless. Didn't we just hear last month and over again that the Church of England refused to recognize a female in the pulpit? Did I miss something? Even more appalling was to get on the web and read what the new ( in November) Bishop had to say about homosexuals. And I quote.."I believe God creates each of us with different gifts. ...Some people come into this world with affections directed at people of the same gender." She goes on to explain how the bible does not apply to some things today...and the great message is how to treat other people...the "great message from Jesus"...What?? Who said that? Jesus? Oh No.. Homosexual are not born they choose that lifestyle. PERIOD!

Excuse me your, Bishopness while I look back at my bible for something to base that on. Let's look at ICorinthians 6:9; and you do that in any translation you like and it all says the same..."Know you not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind...: Mr. Webster defines effeminate as: "lacking in manly qualities: womanish" The New King James Version puts in very plainly ...nor adulterers; nor homosexuals; nor sodomites..." Two different translations from the Greek words:"malakos and arsenokoites". I think that is pretty plain to any of us.

consider the two words respectively in the following versions:
KJV: effeminate: abusers of themselves with mankind
NKJV: homosexuals--sodomites
MKJV: abusers--homosexuals
LITV: abusers-homosexuals
NIV: male prostitutes--homosexual offenders
NASB: effeminate--homosexuals
NRSV: male prostitutes--sodomites

Where is question about this? The other interesting thing to me is she has no vote in the say about gay bishops or priests; however, as the new head of the church in this United States it would be plain to anyone her stand on the issue. Have we any doubt that will be a big influence on the final tally for or against? As a member of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas if you are not to abide by that ruling you may be asked to vacate your church building. Where is the biblical sense of this?
Be not deceived that this issue is addressed in multiple places of the bible: Genesis 19:5; Leviticus 18:22-23; 20:13; Deuteronomy 23:17; Judges 19:22-24; ISamuel 18:1-4; ITimothy 1:10; Revelation 17:5.

We are talking about scripture that is AFTER the "blood atonement" lest any of us become confused. The price for all those sins was and is bought and paid for. But, still not to be excused. You cannot moralize immorality.

Not being a bible scholar, I am sure I am missing a great number of things. This is a bit out of my field, but still not something I am willing to overlook and be quite about.

How about you, Pastor B; and Jeff V.? Some of you well versed gentlemen lend a hand. We just don't abide that here. We are definitely a close knot family here.....up on..

Blessings Hill,

Friday, June 16, 2006

Weep My Child

It started as most days do here on the Hill; quite, slightly overcast, and an occasional stray bird floated across the sky as if in total silence, only broken by brief sounds of far away thunder and small flashes of lightening. If you were one of the passing tourists you'd not notice the somberness of the people. Some stood around by the general store, others by the local coffee shop. Some ventured in for a cup of coffee. Probably didn't need the coffee just looking for someone the chat a bit with; share their feeling.

Toward noon the people drifted on home to gather in a while at the big church. It was pretty evident that most would much rather be coming for a good old fashion sing-a-long; a "hell fire" sermon, any reason except why they really were there together. Time began to drift toward the appointed hour and the church began to fill with people but the quietness of hearts that were redundant with love and sorrow. Quite handshakes; hugs mixed with tears; condolences one to the other. Soft spoken words of memories of a much loved man that resonated love and Godliness.

Then the organ began to softly play songs that brought those memories racing back thru the heart and mind. I am sure some people could hear his big booming voice singing those songs and then exclaiming.."Isn't God good?" Then the preacher rose and approached the speaker. A deafening hush filled the air. How do you say how much he was loved? The great things he had given to us all? The multiple deeds he had done for his fellow man? Why did he do these things so freely? If you asked him, his answer was always the same....."The Lord said 'Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself'.....and I sure do love me!"

When the last song was sang, the last prayer was spoken, the last hand was shaken, the tears were wiped away; the stories began to die down; the people began to stroll away with their own private grieving...then it was time to make that final ride that resting place on earth that was prepared by human hands. It was as if the sky stood still; the birds rested in the quite trees; the little children settled briefly; the wind ceased to bustle the limbs...and the final words spoken; at least on this day.

People will continue to talk for many years about great kindness, music , laughter and all the stories they can remember. The snoring when he occasionally fell asleep during an extra long sermon. Doesn't make any great difference now. Memories are made to be repeated to those who otherwise would never know. Flowers will be planted in kind remembrance.

F.B. Meyer wrote: "The Ephesian converts wept upon the neck of the Apostle whose face they were never to see again. Christ stands by each mourner, saying, 'Weep my child; weep, for I have wept'"

Well, that's the way it was today here...all of us send you..

Blessings from the Hill

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

"I'd Still Want To Go"

Yesterday afternoon one of my long time soul mates went on the be with his Maker. After three weeks on life support and five days off, the body gave up. I personally think he left us during the first twenty four hours. But, the human side said "Don't go....stay with me." I know that was not the proper thing to do, but it was the human thing to do. Sometimes the real side of us overrides the rational side.

During these past weeks I have found myself sitting in the dark pondering the meaning of all this. How ever will we manage without his lovely laughter that could fill a room; a voice that sang above the clouds; a strong arm that never knew a stranger but always seemed to know when you needed that big old bear hug. Could make a small child shake with laughter. Gentle and kind with elderly. He would and had driven hundreds of miles to help a friend......even if it was to sit and pray with them.

He was known around here for his trade mark song.."I'd Still Want To Go". No one else here ever tried to sing it simply because it was definitely "HIS"! No matter where he went they always asked for that song and he always obliged with a big hearty belly laugh. He said to me not long ago..."Honey, you need to learn this song in case I go home. Somebody else needs to sing it. Of course, my answer was just as you'd expect..."Ahhhhh you're not going anywhere!". Maybe he knew more than I did.

That song has a scriptural background, but the reason he sang it was.."it's exactly the way I feel"!
"If there were no mansions on the hills of glory, if there were no streets of gold,
No walls of jasper, no crystal river....O Lord, I'd still want to go.
It doesn't matter to me...just as long as His face I see...Jesus died that I might go free.....and it's all my love ones who went before me.." and it goes on, but you get the picture.

In about twenty four hours we will all say our final farewells til we all get there and sing with him. It leaves an ache in our hearts and a definite emptiness in our lives, but joy that he came our way. We all agree there will be a big empty hole here at the Hill...but then again...I think that's the way it's meant to be..
At least here on the Hill we think God meant it to be a hole for a while...til next time......

Blessing from the Hill

Saturday, May 27, 2006

The Marriage

We've been studying about the prophet Hosea. Really don't hear people say much about him. Oh sure, they talk about his wife Gomer. Some things never change. Hosea was such a faithful servant of the Lord you just have to wonder if that is the only way he survived. Gomer lived as a harlot. God told Hosea to marry her. Not sure if that was intended to straighten her life up or not. They had three children and again Hosea was faithful to name them as God had told him.

Some bible commentaries say Gomer represented sinful Israel. Worshiping idol gods. But, to show HIs love for Israel God took them anyway. The names of their three children also represented the rejection of Israel. He would scatter them; they were unpitied; they were not called God's people anymore. Hosea was faithful to do as God told him. I feel sure he must have wondered how this would all come about. But, never questioned his God. Gomer was later redeemed to show that Israel would ultimately return to God.

So, the synopsis of the book is Hosea prophesied the future of Israel through his marriage; birth of his children; and eventually Israel is called to repent and enjoy God's blessings. These days we would just send an email to Israel; ask for a endowment for marrying a prostitute; sell the rights to the forthcoming book and movie to the highest bidder so we could recount it next year.

God works in strange ways His wonders to perform. Now days we would see bold headlines "Prophet takes Harlot for Wife" (subline) "Claims God Told Him To". Then we would read in the tabloids, hear on the news and for days to come get a review from all the different media about a "religious freak" making up excuses for his bad marriage. We won't even talk about naming the children. That would be a story that could go indefinitely. People from all over would be flocking to Hoseas door wanting to get the real story. Did God actually speak to you? Did He give you a sign? Well, I suppose you get the idea.

God speaks to me on a daily basis and I talk to Him a lot. Fortunately for me He hasn't given me such tasks as He did Hosea and Gomer. But,then again I'm sure He knows I'm not quite up to the task. I'm happy to just keep on going with what God has given me here. Well, anyway that's kinda the way we see it here.

See all of you next time ...up on

Blessings Hill