Thursday, July 20, 2006

The Word

Agape...not a word that just rolls off the tongue or sounds melodious to the ear. Don't hear it in everyday conversation. Usually only heard in religious conversations and used sparingly, I dare say.
Words have always held a certain fascination for me, not that I have ever been good with them, just fascinated by them. Always makes me wish I had pursued more education or maybe even become multi-lingual (if that is a word). However, agape is one of those words that always catches my ear when I hear it used. I am wondering how the person is using such a wonderful word.
It's not found in the old dictionaries; in some bible commentaries or even in the bible. But, it is a word associated with religion. Maybe even more so with Jesus the Christ. Searching some forty seven versions of the bible, seven commentaries, and innumerable books, agape is mentioned only fourteen times. But, then it is a Greek word that was used in the original writing of the Bible. But, it's not even in the King James Bible. I think that is rather strange for such an important word. If I had written any of those things I would have flowered the pages with that wonderful adjective. Truth is "agape" is reserved for the greatest love of all times; the love Jesus had for us that He would die for my salvation. What an overwhelming thought!
AGAPE....Great love; unbounded love; unending love.
In John 13:34 Jesus told his disciples that their "freshly washed feet" would be a witness to His words. "Love one another as I have loved you."

Oswald Sanders wrote "It is noteworthy that only once did Jesus say that he was leaving his disciples an example, and that was when He washed their feet". Agape love.

Mahatman Gandhi once said "If Christians lived according to their faith, there would be no more Hindus left in India". Agape love.

Dwight L. Moody said "Of one hundred people one will read the bible and ninety nine will read the Christian". Agape love.

The Apostle Paul writes some nine times in the New Testament something to the effect of "Follow me as I follow Christ". Agape love.
Fascinating word used so sparingly by so few to refer to only one...Jesus.
Some call Him Savior, the Redeemer of all Men....We call Him Jesus cause He's our dearest Friend.. up here on...

Blessings Hill,