Saturday, May 27, 2006

The Marriage

We've been studying about the prophet Hosea. Really don't hear people say much about him. Oh sure, they talk about his wife Gomer. Some things never change. Hosea was such a faithful servant of the Lord you just have to wonder if that is the only way he survived. Gomer lived as a harlot. God told Hosea to marry her. Not sure if that was intended to straighten her life up or not. They had three children and again Hosea was faithful to name them as God had told him.

Some bible commentaries say Gomer represented sinful Israel. Worshiping idol gods. But, to show HIs love for Israel God took them anyway. The names of their three children also represented the rejection of Israel. He would scatter them; they were unpitied; they were not called God's people anymore. Hosea was faithful to do as God told him. I feel sure he must have wondered how this would all come about. But, never questioned his God. Gomer was later redeemed to show that Israel would ultimately return to God.

So, the synopsis of the book is Hosea prophesied the future of Israel through his marriage; birth of his children; and eventually Israel is called to repent and enjoy God's blessings. These days we would just send an email to Israel; ask for a endowment for marrying a prostitute; sell the rights to the forthcoming book and movie to the highest bidder so we could recount it next year.

God works in strange ways His wonders to perform. Now days we would see bold headlines "Prophet takes Harlot for Wife" (subline) "Claims God Told Him To". Then we would read in the tabloids, hear on the news and for days to come get a review from all the different media about a "religious freak" making up excuses for his bad marriage. We won't even talk about naming the children. That would be a story that could go indefinitely. People from all over would be flocking to Hoseas door wanting to get the real story. Did God actually speak to you? Did He give you a sign? Well, I suppose you get the idea.

God speaks to me on a daily basis and I talk to Him a lot. Fortunately for me He hasn't given me such tasks as He did Hosea and Gomer. But,then again I'm sure He knows I'm not quite up to the task. I'm happy to just keep on going with what God has given me here. Well, anyway that's kinda the way we see it here.

See all of you next time ...up on

Blessings Hill

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Here at Blessings Hill we often wonder what people are thinking or if they are thinking. I read today all about the President's speech last night and I didn't have to listen to one word. That's the great thing about the media. You can have as many versions of a political scenario as you want. Some of the commentators rub me the wrong way, so I make it a point to not listen to them.

I quite often feel sorry for Pres. Bush. Seems when things are going good he is the national hero, but when the tide turns so do the people and always on him. Personal opinion is he is the chosen leader and we need to stand behind our leader. When a country begins to grumble and mumble about their leader they become weak and vulnerable. Just ask the Israelites. Long time in the wilderness. I am sure Moses wished they would have been more supportive of him and his trials.

Speaking of crossing over the borders; I have no great gripe with the immigrants, but I think there is a difference between immigrants and illegal workers. Just what Mr. Webster said anyway. We have become such a "gimme" country we are moralistic unstable; economically challenged; religiously loose and a spoiled country. If we had to go back to twenty or thirty years ago some people would just fall off the ship.

Well, I suppose that's kinda the way we see it here at the hill. We feel really blessed to have a job; bring home a check; worship in the church of our choice; visit our neighbors and pray when we want. How about you?

See you next time here at Blessings Hill

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Dear Mark

Well, that is not about someone like the swimmer, actor, singer or writer..that is another thing Pastor Brandenburg has written. And he even tells us it is his 100th Blog....the man is endless with words. He can write in any language I am sure, I just have a hard time knowing what he's saying. But, give the guy his dues he will keep you in the dictionary or the Bible. Just keep reading and pay attention. He has an avid blogger named "ILA" (if that's a name) that hangs right with him. I can't decide if she is for real or maybe she knows him. But that is more than I need to know. I will tell you that reading his blog can be addicting. One of his faithful flock named Jeff V. keeps right in there with him.
I love a challenge ;always have. Guess that's why I stick with my profession. Brandenburg is definitely a challenge. His last blog was probably miles over my head. But, I do like the new picture of him. Keeps you guessing. Not sure the new one is to much hair!!(Just kidding?? maybe)
There are some Blogs on here that you just cant seem to get thru.
Come and visit us again....Until next time .See you here on Blessings Hill.

Blessing, Ruth

Monday, May 08, 2006

The Dictionary

Well....would you look at who has visited with us? That's it..Pastor B himself! Just proves the theory if you leave the door open never know who might wander thru it. And you know, I wouldn't be at all surprised if you went right back to reading your dictionary. We consider ourselves blessed...THE author, pastor, teacher, debated, etc....Did I leave anything out? Thanks for dropping on Blessing's Hill..